Emergency Information

Emergency Information

DVMS facilities are equipped to care for children for 24 hours should the need arise. The school is equipped with blankets, fresh water, first aid kits, flashlights, radios, extra batteries and emergency food. Staff members have taken first aid courses and have been shown where, when and how to shut off all utilities. Classes are drilled in fire evacuation and earthquake and shelter in place strategies on a regular basis.

Should disaster strike, we will remain on campus waiting for parents to pick up children as quickly as possible. Parents will be notified through Brightwheel. If DVMS buildings or campus become unsafe, we will evacuate to the closest mass care center, Acalanes High School or Stanley Middle School are the two most likely locations. Please confirm our location by tuning into radio broadcasts on KKDV-92.1 FM. If evacuation has occurred, the new location will be sent via Brightwheel and posted on the gates and/or a staff member will remain behind to guide people. We encourage all parents to sign up for Nixle Alerts at https://local.nixle.com/city/ca/lafayette or text your zip code to 888777 for mobile alerts to receive alerts from local agencies.

DVMS has a complete Emergency Preparedness Plan that addresses detailed procedures to be followed after an emergency or crisis. The implementation of this plan involves the Board of Directors, Administration, staff and parents. A copy of the complete plan is available in the office.